Today was a good day. I havent' really talked about this much on the blog but I had a really hard time adjusting after Abera came home. I had a nice case of Post Adoption Blues. I was crying at the drop of a hat. I was sure I ruined our family because all the kids ever did was fight. And Abera was still prone to 'meltdowns' if he was too overstimulated or tired. One thing in particular that made me so sad is that the kids couldnt' even listen to music in the car without it being a huge fight. They would disagree on what music to listen to and before I knew if Gerry and Abera were physically fighting in the back of the van. They were still in their car seats but could reach each other enought to actually pinch arms or scratch faces-I mean really scratch and bleeding. I would have to stop the car and break it up. We live like 30 seconds away from school and I used to love picking out a song and driving to school and singing away in the car. I love to sing kids songs in the car! I finally gave up music and started listening to talk radio
1.) as a punishment to the kids-if they couldnt' agree on music then no music
2.) I didnt' feel like singing anymore and that made me more sad :(
I remember thinking I'd never sing in the car again. (Gerald - if you're reading this, I know you're making a snide comment right now like "thank God, no more singing from her")
Well today we were driving and listening to the Backyardigans. "Hold on Tight" from the Viking episode (yes we watch a lot of TV and yes I'm a loser for knowing all that but I dont care!) All of sudden, I realized all 5 of us were singing along -happily-Actually screaming along, but that makes it more fun. Now, things have been better for a while (both depression-wise and fighting-wise) but this was a moment of great joy for me to realize how far we had all come.
We also have fun singing the Amharic version of "Old McDonald had a Farm". I don't have the words handy right now (they are out in my car). I'll have to write out the lyrics some time.