Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Backpacks

Well, I really don't have anything exciting to write tonight but I'm going to stick by my every other day posting rule. Today we went to Target and got backpacks for school. I'm so ready for Fall. We would have gotten school supplies but the store didnt' have copies of all the class school supply lists and we didnt' bring our own. Samantha grabbed a pink one that has a handle and wheels so she can drag it. Gerry got a Spiderman one (surprise, he had Spiderman last year). Abera picked out Speed Racer. And Brandon, well he ended up with The Incredible Hulk. He really wanted Care Bears and we found some cute Care Bears online but when he was in the store he just had to pick out one there-he needed instant gratification. Gerald was happy 'cause he thought Care Bears are a little too girly. Well too bad, G, I'm going to get Brandon the one from online and we'll see which one he picks for the first day of school. None of my kids have ever had a security blanket or stuffed animal. But Brandon got a green Care Bear for his birthday and sleeps with it every night so I'm excited about that. The other day he said he didnt' want regular mac and cheese. He wanted Care Bear mac and cheese. LOL

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